Capital for Children is pleased to announce $145,000 in new funding to seven nonprofit organizations in the DC region: continued support to CollegeTracks, Compass Pro Bono, […]
The poker tables were packed! Thank you to the sponsors, donors, and attendees who made the 10th Texas Hold’em Tournament a fun night and huge success […]
Capital for Children invests in nonprofits through strategic grantmaking and by joining the boards of its nonprofit partners. Members pool their individual charitable donations to make grants to the nonprofits, and we also raise funds for the nonprofits at our annual Texas Hold’em Tournament (thank you to our sponsors and supporters).
Capital for Children, a local youth development charitable organization supported by the private equity community, announced today it has awarded $147,500 in new grant awards to nine nonprofit youth development organizations in...
Each September, ACG National Capital and its membership welcome the slight decrease in temperature and increasingly mild weather with their Annual Golf Event. The event brings together chapter members, leadership and sponsors for a day of sport, networking, fun and charity. The charity that benefits from this event...
Nine years ago, Ken Doyle, a senior partner at the Halifax Group private equity firm, and others from the private equity community in the Washington, D.C., area started the Capital for Children charitable organization...
Washington, DC-based local youth development charity Capital for Children, which is supported by the private equity community, has just awarded $147,500 in new grants to nine nonprofits in the area...
Capital for Children, a local youth development charitable organization supported by the private equity community, announced today it has awarded $147,500 in new grant awards to nine nonprofit youth development organizations in...